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New Driver Tech Could Aid Elderly Drivers


Technologies designed to offer general road-safety improvements could soon play a big role in helping older Georgia residents drive without coming to harm. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Americans above the age of 70 will top 54 million by the year 2030, and some four-fifths of these individuals are projected to be driver's license holders. New safety features might even increase such figures.

News sources say that the technology currently on offer and the options expected to hit the market address a range of improvements. Rear-facing cameras with dashboard-mounted displays are set to become legally required by 2018, and the auto industry plans to make automated emergency brakes standard by 2022. Advancements like warning systems for blind spots and other features are already available on a per-vehicle basis.

Experts believe that drivers above the age of 50 will focus heavily on considerations like added safety tech. Elderly individuals are more prone to becoming confused about traffic patterns, and many have mobility problems that make it harder to stay aware of surrounding hazards. Because they're more susceptible to severe accident injuries, safety tech is predicted to be popular among these age groups, and vehicle manufacturers have taken note by embracing new innovations.

Older individuals who get into wrecks may face higher risks of injury in collisions. These higher risks might also be associated with additional healthcare costs. Talking to a car accident lawyer about personal injury incidents might make it easier to learn about options for pursuing compensation to cover the costs of medical care.
